See our red flag wave, Parisians,
Never let it fall!
The enemies are at our gates
And just beyond our wall.
Take up arms, all friends who may,
Build the barricades high,
For now we fight for liberty,
A worthy way to die!
Rise up, rise up, O Communards,
To God ye need not pray,
For we are masters of our fates
And that begins today!
Whatever shall those fates demand
The whole world soon will see,
O Communards, O Communards,
A France forever free!
No Prussian, Bourbon, Bonaparte
Shall evermore rule here,
Nor all the devils of Versailles
Or their master Thiers!
We took the cannons of Monmartre,
We fell'd the damned Vendome,
The gentry fled out to the west,
All Paris is our home!
The Common Man shall now prevail
With Woman by his side,
And win the kiss of Liberty
As they duel an evil tide.
So join us all in righteous battle
'Til such battling cease
And then we'll see thro' darksome days
A Paris cloaked in peace!
Dedicated to all who perished, whether Communard or no,
during "Bloody Week" - May 21 to 28, 1871