-When Norman Bates said "A boy's best friend is his mother" what could that also make the boy?
-Her Oedi-pal
-What was the deformed king called when he was accidentally baked into a yeasty dough?
-In bread (inbred)
-What was it called when Ricky Ricardo discovered he was impotent?
-The Cuban Missile Crisis
-What kind of bedding does the Pope like to sleep in?
-Holy sheets
-What did Lao-tsu's daughter give to her husband?
-A Tao-ry
-What kind of a dance do heavy weepers attend?
-A bawling ball
-What did the ghost say upon catching a thief stealing its clean sheets?
(Just go with it)
-I asked my German friend Klaus which city he was from and he said he was a Hamburger, so I bit him. Needless to say we aren't friends anymore.
In comedy what we call a zinger is known in India as a pun jab.
(Yeah, yeah, I know, sheddap!)
Can you tell me the name of a Japanese ninja throwing star?
What did the blase opera singer say when he tuned up his voice?
"Meh meh meh meh mehhhhh!"
(as opposed to "Mi mi mi mi miiiii!")
What do you call a librarian who skis?
-A shusher (schusser)
(This one's for you, milady!)
What brand-name gum is also a genre of literature?
-Chiclet (Chick-lit)