Saturday, May 4, 2019

Frater in Aeternitas (Repost)


Well, Jeremy,

I'm sure by now

you've already squeezed through

the other side of the gauntlet 

consisting of all of our late relatives and ancestors

bidding you a warm welcome amidst the usual remarks of

"Tsk tsk!" "So young!" "Such a shanda!" "Teufel im Holle!"

Cousin Richard has probably tried to warn you about that.

And while all the cats are rubbing so madly

up against your legs

(I'd ask you to give Kuro a bit more attention

for me but Farrah probably insists on getting all of it.


you're chomping at the bit

to take up (gasp!) the Gary Gygax' offer of participating

in real Dungeons and Dragons group game modules -

Real Dungeons!  

Real Dragons!   

Real characters you don't just create, you become! Whoa!

Real NPCs!  

Real adventures!

I think God's going to at least be in 'The Nine Moon Pearls of Etwok-Kattarh'

because (s)he's a total hardcore gamer, no noob at all! 

I mean,  



And one of the best parts is nobody ever dies in them because...well, you know.

Maybe later you'll join the ether-wide famous round table discussions

that many agree are better than the Algonquin's (feh!) 

of Fantasy and Sci-fi fiction and graphic novels

moderated by H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, E. A. Poe

and many others 

with more hosts of spectators than you'd see at

a silly golf tournament. 

(What's that? Poe told you he's a big fan of 'Sausagehed'?!! Cool!)

So I guess it's probably Nerdvana for you there!!

And I'm sure that later on your help

will be enlisted in the Cloud Nine Cafe (jeez, obvious much?)

to create a special mystery dessert that out-ambrosias ambrosia.

(Don't worry, I won't tell that it's the ichor that gives it a helluva kick! Shhhh!)

There's a lot more going on than all of this, I'm sure.

(Oh, the places I imagine you'll go!)

This isn't goodbye, of course, 

but for now I'll just end with,

love you and miss you, bro.

Float on,

sail on.


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