Thursday, June 6, 2024

Photographie II





                                              Natur, ERWACHE!




                                             Who won the war?


                                   Januswaves (Readymade #2)



                        Albino Kermit the Snake Head (Readymade #3)




                            Elton John Panem Solvit (Readymade #4)                                       


                           Panem cum Salami Iratus (Readymade #5)


         Victor Hugo (singing): "Master of the house, 
                                             doling out the charm, 
                                             ready with a handshake and an open palm"
                                             -huh? what's that?
         Benjamin Franklin (from below): Oof! Ugh! Arrgh! Ouch!
         VH: Now who's that climbing up here? Wow, whoever he is he moves pretty quick for a paunchy fellow!
         BF (same, muttering to himself): My God, there is just way too much simulated boinking in that box today, and I'm Ben Franklin! Just gotta get away for a bit, climb up here to get away from those randy people! Oof! Almost there! A little bit more aand-there! Whew! Made it! AAHHH!!! OH, MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT?!!!
        VH: Hey.

      VH: You done?
      BF: Yep, yep. Just a little drama for the handful of readers of this guy's blog. And hey yourself!
      VH: A handful is probably a bit too generous a measurement.  And 'The White People'? Really? Racist much? 
      BF: Nnoo, not really. Aren't you made of white marble or something? Like the others with you?
      VH: Most of the others. You haven't met us all yet. But yeah, on further reflection maybe 'White People' is apt. Okay, I rescind my racism accusation.
      BF: Thanks. So what happens now? Intros? We're not supposed to have known each other from before now, right?
      VH: I doubt it., well, as you can see I can't seem to bow or shake hands with you but I'm Vic Hugo, largely unread 19th century giant of French literature. Pleased ta meet'cha, Mr.-?
      BF: Ben Franklin, 18th century Anglo-American, randy jack-of-all-trades. Charmed, I'm sure.
      VH: Cool. 
      BF: Verily. So I think our tribes are supposed to meet up eventually - uh, the 'Dolls' and the 'White People', I guess we are?
      VH: Sounds about right, if a bit unfair. And wrong.
      BF: But when?
      VH: Dan knows? I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting. Not that I could because I can't really draw breath.
      BF: Nor can I. Well, I guess I ought to head back down now and let the others know I'm all right. (muttering) Not that they care.
      VH: That's probably a good idea. Rosie's coming to take my place here soon, anyway. She's another *sigh* 'White Person' such as I am.
      BF: Oh. Should I stay and introduce myself to her?
      VH: Nah, not now. Maybe whenever the meet-up's gonna happen. 
      BF: Sounds good. Okay, I'll see you soon, Vic! And I think I'll make a dramatic exit here by falling backwards off this plateau. I mean, I am plastic so I probably won't break apart on the carpeting below.
      VH: Go for it, Ben! Au revoir! 
      BF: Bye, Vic! Here I GOOOOOOOOOOO!

     VH: Ouch. Maybe. HEY, BEN?!
     BF (from far below): 'Sall good, Vic! Nothing broken, incredibly! Catch you later!
     VH: OKAY, SEE YA! Man, what a cool guy! I miss him already. Heh, I'm actually feeling pretty good right now. I don't think anything could ruin-

     Suddenly Rosette appears at his side.
     Rosette: Space. Beads. Leave. Now.
     VH: Aw, merde!

BEHOLD! The lost Altar of the Ice Goddess Virgilia in the Red Tube Caves of the planet Grilsoom has finally been discovered! (Oh, just go with it!) (Readymade #6)

RED ALERT! RED ALERT! You sprung a trap (?) as you neared the lost Altar of the Ice Goddess Virgilia in the Red Tube Caves of the planet Grilsoom. (What in the hell were you THINKING?!)


                                                   Accident? 2

                     ("Chorus Line A-G" (1925) by Albert Arthur Allen)


                                            She Gazes Unto You

                                            Hello...and Goodbye




Thanks once again goes to Design Toscano and Basil Street Gallery of Illinois for some of the art pieces featured here.


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