Monday, January 20, 2025

no punk's


Punkchewashun begin with punk and punk's are bade

im tellin! this storie bee quite wans upon a thyme there wer a gang o punkchewashun's? tellin peeple hau to spel werds An hau to reed an rite!  uneggzeptabble..wel this bad gang wuz takin over all Amarykays Orban streets an forcing Peeples to spel an rite? a curtain way ""o o wat dew we doo""!!..!!...cry all the peeples forchanitly a good gang did batel with the punk's an one the batel an put them on Al Katrazzs' island an other prisms 4 ever an turnd theyre hidin places (((manly collages liberrys! an brookstores?) intoo chuches an sin-agoggles (no musks) An Peeples were happy caus no more wass herd from th punks agin (leash i hope not) A-men, holly lou ya?!.:; now yew may applesause


Apologies to educators and writers everywhere, English grammar textbook and style guide publishers, and (sure, why not?) "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Music: "Word Crimes" by "Weird Al" Yankovic

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