Emily Wilding Davison
In Truth, your name has rare been sung,
With Clio's golden lyre unstrung.
You stood 'gainst Men with righteous clenched fist,
Men who have called you 'terrorist',
Girt with gullet of Iron, spine of British Steel,
You ne'er once would deign to kneel,
And join'd with your Sisterhood so true,
Maybe used that badass suffrajitsu.
But like a soldier charging across scorched Earth,
You spilt your blood 'pon Epsom's turf.
Tho' blest and curs'd hath been your Name,
I bring you here a bit more Fame.
So Women, hear me and take note:
Do what she fought to do--and Vote!
Music: "Emily Davison" by The Greg Kihn Band
Note: I call this a "False Sonnet" because as I was composing it I totally forgot about the true rhyme scheme (ABAB CDCD...etc.) even though it's still 14 lines. But I do love it, and I hope you will, too.
Also, Happy Valentine's Day, all you Lovers and Dreamers!💖
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